My name is Alex Dekker. I'm a third year Bachelor student at the University of Amsterdam. I study Computer Science, and I'm currently workig on a Information Science course. I have programming experience, board experience and I'm a musician. I'm currently in the Faculty Student Coucil of the FNWI. I've always been very involved with this building. Until recently I was also the Chairman of the foundation for our own student bar.


I play piano, guitar, bass guitar and I sing. I've played in several rock and metal bands, but I mainly focus on writing and composing. I give (preferably electric) guitar lessons and I can teach you a lot about the theoretical aspects of composing and music in general. To give you an idea of how I play, I've added a Youtube-player. The Youtube-player below contains a song of a rockband I've been part of for a while. I play lead guitar, so the solo after the second chorus is played by me.

Alex Dekker